Misha's photographs of bombed-out schools, weary villagers showing him their once-loved homes, now destroyed, and residents queuing for boxes of food and bread, reflect the reality of life now in parts of Ukraine. All our local staff has quickly adapted to the changing needs in Ukraine, even as they live amidst the horror of their country coming under brutal attack.
"I am fond of photography as fine art, with all its capacity for expression," Misha said. "I enjoy capturing the moment. When you stop a moment in time, the beauty, meaning, and uniqueness of that moment is revealed.
"I humbly believe that my passion for photography has become a tool for telling the truth about this war. In every place I visit, my purpose is to document and express the things I see in such a way that the spectator can truly feel and come to realise what is going on in Ukraine."
Ukraine Photo Exhibition