Summer Camps -The Best Week Ever!

"This is the best time I could ever ask for. I will have a hard time leaving summer camp, but I’ll try to remember everything I experienced here for the rest of the year, especially the songs. I love them!"

Ionut, 12, lives with his parents and five siblings in Solca, Romania, a small town in the northeast surrounded by rolling hills and forests. Here, there are very few employment opportunities. Some work in forestry, and many people pick mushrooms and berries to sell, while others travel to Germany to find agricultural work.

Ionut’s parents don’t have stable employment but take on jobs wherever they can find them – and life is tough for them. The family live in poor conditions and they struggle to afford the basics for their children.

The summer holidays can look bleak to lively children like Ionut. There is little to fill the long summer with – and it’s difficult for children living in poverty to try new activities, meet new people, or learn new skills.

That’s why Ionut’s favorite thing about being enrolled on Mission Without Borders’s child sponsorship program is the chance to go to summer camp.

Singing songs is one the best memories of summer camp for Ionut
Ionut loves singing songs at camp

As sponsored children, Ionut and his siblings receive regular support – with the hope that they will break out of the poverty they’re growing up in and have a brighter future. For Ionut, summer camp is a vision of that brighter future – where he is rejuvenated, busy, learning new things, and surrounded by friends.

Ionut said, “I love it at summer camp. I looked forward to being in the camp this summer and hopefully I will do it again next year.

“We enjoy every single thing here. Making new friends, playing games  or eating cotton candy – it’s all so much fun. It’s by far the best week of the year. We can hardly wait from one year to the next to come along to summer camp again.”

Lots of hard work, wisdom and planning goes into MWB’s summer camps. Staff and volunteers plan fun activities, songs and games, Bible lessons, workshops, hikes and surprises. Each camp takes place in beautiful surroundings and there are swimming pools, sports fields, bouncy castles and all sorts of things for the children to experience.

Cotton Candy is one the favorite treats at camp
Cotton Candy is one of the favorite treats at camp.


Hanging with friends at summer camp
Summer camp gives kids the chance to play and learn with friends away from the busyness of everyday life.

This year’s summer camp theme was ‘Mysteries of the Kingdom of Light.’ All week, the children learned about God’s kingdom and they heard the stories of Jesus’s parables.

Ionut said, “I loved the lesson about forgiveness. I usually forgive easily, but not all the time. I once forgave one of my friends when he was mean to me, but here, I’ve learned that I need to forgive at all times, just as God forgives me.”

The week goes by quickly – and Ionut is sad that it’s nearly over. He said, “I don’t even want to think about what my summer would’ve looked like if it wasn’t for this week.

“This is the best time I could ever ask for. I will have a hard time leaving summer camp, but I’ll try to remember everything I experienced here for the rest of the year, especially the songs. I love them.

“Once I’m home, I’ll probably just stay at home a lot. If not, I’ll be out on the field playing football with some of my friends who are still around, or I’ll be doing housework and taking care of the animals we have. I enjoy looking after the chickens.

“Other than that, not much else, because there’s not much that I can do in the area we live in. There are no playgrounds or places for children, no shops or parks. It’s up to us, the children, to come up with ideas of what we can do.”

Andreea, one of the volunteers, said, “Ionut is adorable. I’ve known him since he was three. He’s always in my class at the Christian Outreach meetings in his community and in my group at summer camp.

“He has changed so much! He used to be extremely shy and wouldn’t say a word. He’s still a bit shy now, but he’s much more open to relating to everyone around him. He likes to win when playing but he doesn’t go overboard and he’s respectful towards other children.

“He is patient and likes to do everything perfectly. To make sure he has his Bible verses correct, he takes time and space to memorize them thoroughly, no matter what else is taking place around him. He enjoys being in summer camp and I’m sure he had a terrific time.”


Ionut with his camp group leaders
Ionut with his camp group leaders

Petrica, MWB coordinator, said, “Ionut had a blast. He took part in all the activities and he was eager to learn lots of new things about other people, God, and even himself. He even helped with cleaning the dining room. He sang his heart out and guess what… he wants to come again next year!”

Yuval, one of the MWB volunteers, said, “We want to offer the children at summer camp good role models to follow; to help them fix their attention on God and on His ways; to educate them in life matters that they’re struggling with; and to pamper them. We want them to have the best week ever!”

Summer camp opens up a new world to children who haven’t experienced much of life beyond their small village or town. It communicates value to children like Ionut, building a sense of confidence and well-being, and giving them a break from their everyday struggles as they grow up in poverty.

Join us in changing children’s lives across Eastern Europe – give a gift supporting our summer camp programs today.

Bible lessons are part of MWB's week-long summer camps

Learning about the Bible is part of Mission Without Borders' summer camps