From survival in an orphanage to changing lives for the better: one man’s amazing journey
A troubled orphan in Bulgaria discovers another life – one of love, family, and helping others
“Life in an orphanage is not easy at all. I was a bit of a handful; I fought with the other children and I was always getting into trouble.”
Mariyan, now 21, grew up in a series of children’s homes in Bulgaria. At the time, Bulgaria had one of the highest rates of institutionalised children in Europe. Most of the children were abandoned there because of poverty or parental neglect, but found little comfort or nurture in their new ‘home’.
“Yes, you grow up alone in the ‘jungle’, not knowing if you will survive.”
“Life in the orphanage was difficult because it’s a daily struggle for survival. Everything is the opposite of love, warmth and understanding. There were many fights and there was bullying,” Mariyan said.

Something new and unfamiliar
When Mariyan was six years old, he went to a summer camp run by Mission Without Borders. At that time, he was afraid of strangers and had a violent temper.
Here, Mariyan met Emil, who works for the Mission, and his wife Suzy.
Mariyan said, “From the first time we met, Emil and Suzy showed such great and sincere love for me. They spoke to me with great patience and kindness; they accepted me as I was.
“As I said, in the orphanage there is everything but love, so for me this feeling was something new and unfamiliar. I wouldn't have believed I could have a life other than the one in the orphanage without the attention, love, and care that Emil and Suzy showed me, along with the rest of the Mission team.”
At one of the following summer camps, Mariyan accepted Jesus Christ as his Saviour. Over time, his faith grew, with help and support from Emil and others.
Mariyan with Emil and Suzi
Returning that kindness
Emil said, “Over the years, Mariyan went through three different orphanages, and it was extremely difficult for him. We often spoke on the phone, or I visited him whenever possible to give him encouragement and advice.”
Mariyan said, “The time spent in orphanage of Dren was definitely the hardest time for me, but the conversations with Emil really helped me to keep going.”

As an adult, Mariyan moved to a family-style accommodation centre in Gotse Delchev, near to where Emil, Suzy and other Mission staff live and work. He found a job and also began volunteering for the Mission in all its activities and projects, including helping out at summer camp.
Ventsislav, Mission coordinator in Gotse Delchev, said, “It is amazing to see how Mariyan's life has transformed from a child in an orphanage to a volunteer and a believer.”
“Jesus changed my life, my heart, He gave me a family and a job,” Mariyan said.
“What I like about volunteering for the Mission is the opportunity to help other people and see their lives change for the better. When I was a child, the people at the Mission helped me to find hope and meaning in life. Now, as a volunteer, I can return that kindness and be part of their journey to a better future.”
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