Sharing warmth and love through Operation Christmas Love

"We just want to have a celebration like everyone else...."

Christmas seems far away from the small house where the four sisters live with their mother Stefana and her partner in Romania. The weathered, two-roomed home has no running water or inside toilet or bathroom. The few pieces of furniture rest on a cold dirt floor covered with old carpets. There is little to do and nowhere to go, especially as the girls don’t go to school.

Denisa, 16, and Andreea, 13, are the eldest girls, and over the past few years, they have spent a lot of time taking care of their two younger sisters, and now there is a new baby on the way. Denisa dropped out of school after fourth grade to help at home, and Andreea has stopped going too.

Stefana’s partner earns low wages in temporary jobs, and the girls are aware of the frequent arguments that the couple have over money. Often the children don’t have enough to eat.

The harsh poverty that the girls live in has given them little capacity to dream about the future. When asked about their hopes and dreams, they smiled and shrugged. “I would love to become a shop assistant,” Denisa offered. She is planning to leave home soon and live with her boyfriend in the same village.

Donate an Operation Christmas Love Box today!

Such unrelenting poverty is a cycle that’s difficult to break – but Mission Without Borders’s child sponsorship programme has high hopes for the girls’ future.
In 2023, Denisa and her three sisters were enrolled and began receiving regular support: parcels of food and hygiene items, clothing, school supplies and firewood. Andrei, the staff member who visits them, has been trying to persuade Denisa how important it is to go to school.

Kids are always excited to open the Operation Christmas Love Boxes to discover what's insideKids are always excited to open the Operation Christmas Love Boxes to discover what's inside

“No matter how hard I have tried to encourage her towards education, the challenges within her family have made her vulnerable. Denisa is overwhelmed by the tensions at home,” Andrei said.

He is also working hard to support Andreea in returning to school and to help Viviana attend kindergarten more regularly.


Stefana and her girls are thankful for the gifts of Operation Christmas LoveStefana and her girls are thankful for the gifts of Operation Christmas Love, giving them the ability to celebrate Christmas like everyone else.

In the past, Christmas has been mostly more of the same: hardship and hunger. The girls enjoy the Romanian tradition of caroling, as well as the fireworks that go off in the village on New Year’s Eve.

This Christmas, the sisters have few hopes. They just want enough food to eat. More challenges lie ahead: the new baby will put even more pressure on the already struggling family.
“I am guessing things will be hard,” Stefana said.

What Goes Into An Operation Christmas Love BoxAlin's home in Romania with some of the ducks they raise for income.

Join us in changing children’s lives across Eastern Europe – give a gift supporting MWB's educational programs and famiuly sponsorship today.

Fortunately the family are no longer struggling on their own. This Christmas, Andrei is bringing them boxes filled with food and treats in time for the festive season. Operation Christmas Love sees thousands of boxes like these distributed across Europe to families and elderly people living in poverty – so that no one has to go hungry on Christmas day. Each box also contains Christian literature explaining the true meaning of Christmas. As they opened them, the girls’ faces lit up with happiness.

When asked about Christmas, Stefana said, “We just want to have a celebration like everyone else.”

Andrei said, “This family had no food left and their cupboards were empty. The boxes of food and treats that arrived felt like a miracle that came when they needed it most. Now they won’t go hungry on Christmas. “There are many families who endure extreme poverty and who don’t receive any help except from us. Receiving a Christmas box of food doesn’t only provide nutrition but also reminds families that kindness and generosity exist.” 

Stefana and her kids with full cupboards thanks to Operation Christmas Love

Stefana and her kids with full cupboards thanks to Operation Christmas Love