"I was able to feel significant, if only for a little while..."

"The camp was a place where my background and our hardship didn't matter; all that mattered was my own happiness and the present moment..."

Tsvetomila, 11, recently lost her mother to terminal illness – and she and her father Nikolay are struggling to cope with their shock and grief. The family live in poverty in a small, makeshift house in a Roma community in Gotse Delchev.

Nikolay said, “The situation was already not easy for us, but when Maria passed away, it became unbearable.

“I didn't know where to start. My wife took care of all the household tasks and she looked after our daughter. I am a bad cook and even boiling lentils seems impossible to me.”

Fortunately, the family is  receiving regular support from Mission Without Borders, and as well as receiving regular material and emotional support, Tsvetomila was invited along to summer camp.

Tsvetomila and her father outside their modest home in Bulgaria
Tsvetomila and her father outside their modest home in Bulgaria

Ventsislav, the MWB staff member who supports the family, said, “Tsvetomila took the loss of her mother very hard. She was adopted at a very young age, and she’s always accepted Nikolay and Maria as her only family.

“She rarely spoke after the loss; she shut herself in. We didn't really know what was going on in her heart.

“When the chance came for Tsvetomila to go to summer camp, she couldn't contain her excitement. She’d heard stories from other children in the community who’d gone along before, and she couldn’t wait to go herself. She was among the first of the children at the pre-departure stop, very excited about the days to come.”

Tsvetomila said, “When I first got to the summer camp, I was immediately struck by the happy atmosphere. The camp was full of people laughing and having fun.

Tsvetomila makes supper for her father
Tsvetomila makes supper for her father



Tsvetomila Making crafts at Summer Camp
Tsvetomila enjoyed time making a variety of crafts at summer camp.

“The sight of other children, some from similar backgrounds to mine, helped me to feel comfortable and accepted. I had an immense sense of freedom and belonging that I’d never felt before.

“The camp was a place where my background and our hardship didn't matter; all that mattered was my own happiness and the present moment. During this week, which for me was a great gift, I was able to feel significant, if only for a little while.

“Every day, all the children and adults got together, told stories, and sang Christian songs. As I sat among my new friends, I felt so much gratitude and hope. After the loss of my mother, it was an important reminder that I’m not alone – that there are people who care about me.”

She added, “Thank you, Mission team, for sharing those moments at summer camp with me; for your love, your patience and understanding – they changed my whole perspective. The Bible lessons and the prayers ignited a flame in me that will never fade.

“And maybe one day I’ll get to come back to this camp, not as a participant, but as an inspiration for others to believe that despite all the hard things you can go through in life, there is hope and light because God loves us so much.”

Ventsislav said, “During the week at camp, Tsvetomila made new friends, she started laughing again and she was visibly much more relaxed.

“After our return to Gotse Delchev, she continued to meet up with her new friends. She had found her smile again.

“In the home visits I make as coordinator and friend, Tsvetomila will now talk to me and share about her personal struggles and difficulties. It’s evident that she’s overcoming the loss of her mother and she is no longer closing in on herself, which is real progress.”

He added, “Nikolay is now not only a widower, but also a single parent. For this reason I try to visit the family more often, to spend time with Nikolay, to talk with him, to listen to him, to pray together about the problems he and Tsvetomila face every day.

“We pray together that they would have peace and comfort in their hearts. God's Word tells us that He is our comforter. I also know that in times of loss, it’s very important to have someone close to us. With God’s help, I want to be that person for Nikolay and Tsvetomila.”


Tsvetomila and and her new friend with one of the camp leadersTsvetomila and one of her new friends she met at camp  with one of the camp leaders

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There isn't much at home to be joyful about for Tsvetomila

There isn't much at home to be joyful about for Tsvetomila lately, but being able to go to Summer Camp with Mission Wihtout Borders gave her a chance to have fun, even if it was only for a week.